Saturday, December 3, 2011


The wait seemed like eternity; he hadn't moved from his vantage point since he set up his equipment a few hours ago.Timing was critical.He knew that he had to act with stealth and perfect timing if he had to pull it off.
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A single wrong move, and he'd be in trouble...well, not really as he had his "friends" in really high places who could get him out with a single phone call. but yes,his hours of planning and stalking would all be for nought.
Yes, the life of a paparazzi was no bed of roses; but it  required a certain degree of courage and passion , not to mention patience. 

He would spend days following his target, monitoring his/her every move, appointments , residence, friends, none escaped his eye.There was a certain thrill to it, akin to a predator stalking his prey. His adrenaline would go into overdrive when they tried to avoid him by covering their faces, entering through back doors and going past deserted alleyways. He wasn't always successful though ; there were those few times when he'd been escorted off the property of some famous personalities, broken camera lens in tow;and sometimes a nosebleed or two, even an occasional black eye...but he wasn't one to give up.

One must eat. I do believe that hunger makes man do extraordinary things, and in his case, it involved getting pictures of famous personalities in their most vulnerable state.

Today was no different, the stage was set, and the show about to begin. Finally, a luxury sedan appeared in the driveway, the windows were rolled down, the perfect chance! He adjusted the lens, taking care not to make any movement to draw attention. The car drew nearer ....Snap! Done! he thought aloud in his excitement which attracted the security guards' attention... Time to go! He took off in a flash; lens,camera and all, climbing over the compound wall in the process, before disappearing into the busy evening crowd...