Thursday, September 23, 2010

Colors in the street

He sat by the sidewalk, chalk in hand....
What would he draw today?

He worked from dawn to dusk, his hands moving deftly,
each stroke creating a streak of vivid color
upon the gray canvas before him...

Often people would stop by and watch him work, giving nods of approval...
others who felt sympathy, would toss a coin or two into the tattered hat he had placed by his side.

But not everyday in his life was without event ; sometimes onlookers would jeer at him or brush his work away, at other times it was mother nature herself with the rains or wind...Nonetheless, he'd let out a sigh and start over, with the same fervor, on a new work of art...

At the end of the day, he would pack up, chalks, earnings and all, his work now at the mercy of nature's elements...

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