Thursday, September 23, 2010

Je veux dormir!!!!

If any of you have lived in a college hostel, you would very well understand my predicament. Prior to my college days, I used to abide by the policy , early to bed, early to rise... But all that changed once I joined my college... At first, it was easy to continue my earlier routine... But as friendships and acquaintances were made, it was an increasingly daunting task...

Conversations used to last till 1 am in the morning..resulting in me sleeping in lectures, in my favourite first bench....( Tis a well known fact that no one concentrates on front bench student )

Let me describe in brief : Nightlife in a hostel and the various nocturnal species that make their rounds.
With timeframe for ease of reading.
10 PM : Closure of HES (Hostel entertainment system - TV)
11 PM : The rounds by the master predator (the warden) start...he wanders through his territory of 3 floors, looking for unsuspecting prey, his favourite prey being the young and defenseless ones( 1st yrs).
12 AM : The prey sense that danger has passed, and emerge from their burrows (rooms) to forage for food , drink and smaller prey... Some of the pack hunters assemble in the corridor, planning their attack
1 AM : Some solitary predators hunting alone prefer to take their prey by the element of surprise, attacking in their most vulnerable state : the state of sleep
2 AM : Some nocturnal males , start calling their mates, this process may last till sunrise...

Internship brought temporary relief; but even this was peppered with unwanted phone calls in the middle of the night...I contemplated getting myself one of those sleep pods in those sci-fi movies....And that bottle of pills looked very tempting...!

Now having completed my internship and this blog entry, permit me to attain the state that I have been searching for - a state of perfect blissful sleep!!!!! :D

Colors in the street

He sat by the sidewalk, chalk in hand....
What would he draw today?

He worked from dawn to dusk, his hands moving deftly,
each stroke creating a streak of vivid color
upon the gray canvas before him...

Often people would stop by and watch him work, giving nods of approval...
others who felt sympathy, would toss a coin or two into the tattered hat he had placed by his side.

But not everyday in his life was without event ; sometimes onlookers would jeer at him or brush his work away, at other times it was mother nature herself with the rains or wind...Nonetheless, he'd let out a sigh and start over, with the same fervor, on a new work of art...

At the end of the day, he would pack up, chalks, earnings and all, his work now at the mercy of nature's elements...