Thursday, July 28, 2011

Life as a med intern and bachelor ep5 : Internet de-addiction

From my previous write-ups you must have figured out how my daily routine goes...
You must have deduced by now that I do spend a considerable time online..

For those of you visiting for the first time - Yup! Its true! I am a certified net addict....While I don't have a certificate to substantiate my claim, my internet bill would suffice as evidence. The telecom company, appreciative of my efforts, once awarded me a bill for ten grand! (a technical glitch actually, coz' I did have a bit of free internet usage but... you get the point.)
For the newbies to the internet world who wonder " what exactly is it about the net that can get you hooked ? " , believe me my friends when I say " A LOT!"
Let me lay down a few factors that contributed to my addiction:

1.Info at the click of a button - no brainer this one ...

2.Keeping in touch with people miles away - you must've figured this too

3.Opening emails of cute kittens and forwarding them lest you get struck by lightning on a sunny day.

4.Twitter - the site that allows you to post literally every thought that comes to your head and gives you the flexibility to ignore the replies.

5.Social networking - From hi5 to Orkut and now Facebook, everyone wants to know everyone...(While typing this I notice that Facebook is a word in the spell check and is not listed as an error, while Orkut has the nice wavy red line under it..another psychological victory for Zuckerberg!).. pokes kicks and hugs are the order of day...

6.Social gaming - Millions of engineers, doctors and professionals put their jobs on the line when they realised they had a latent love for farming (Anyone remember Farmville?) Zynga scored big time with many other "villes" ...In fact, the other day I went to my workplace and my superior was like "Hey ! I'm running low on energy ! Could you send me an energy pack?"

7.Skype - Clear voice and video quality and the ability to share your desktop with others is really cool when it comes to teaching newbies on how to do stuff online...
Photocredit :

So as a result my life on the internet is as follows : Wake up, open Google chrome, check mail , forward pics of funny kittens , log on to twitter and belch out every thought that was in my head during the last 60 seconds, then move on to facebook and poke every single person on my friends list, chat with the occasional bloke I actually find interesting to chat with , open up a few social games and ask for tools , send energy , etc and finally log in to skype and watch my cousin's new fish that he recently purchased get eaten up by the old ones.
Beats looking at the real world through rose colored glasses anyday doesn't it?
Note : The disclaimer I put up for my previous posts holds for this one as well ... Until next time folks! Keep visiting!


  1. Keep writing man! And didn't you forget to mention watching first day shows????

  2. lolz :) Since its supposed 2 b fiction it has been carefully omitted :P
