Monday, November 29, 2010

Confessions of a Storyteller

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I'm a really poor storyteller..I really am.

Its not that I hate stories or anything, Its just that I've been endowed with this uncanny ability to suck the life out of anything that is even remotely interesting and turn it into a piece of boring crap...

I don't know how it all began, probably might have stemmed from the intrinsic hatred that I had within me for great story tellers, egoistic attention seekers the lot!
After all,what other purpose could these people have in life? Certainly nothing, other than competing with each other to get people to listen to them and showing off to the other the size of their ever - so - increasing fan base.

Initially, I too was enchanted by these beings...Oh,if only i were able to join this elite class!And so, I did try... with the following consequences..

- Apparently my recollection of "Pirates of the Caribbean" was akin to "Tragedy of Macbeth"
- Returning from one of the blockbuster films "avatar" , I managed to keep people from watching the movie.
- almost got involved in a lawsuit for causing the director of an award-winning film to incur great losses.
- got contacted to write scripts for Ekta Kapoor teleseries ( a new low in my life ; watch her shows if you dont believe me)
- Apparently a hospital thought I would be a good replacement until they received their monthly supplies of anaesthetics.(the reason your chief surgeon fell unconscious during surgery was exhaustion and not my narration of the previous day's events)
- as a more humane form of euthanesia ( this i made up )

People who face similar experiences in their lives are free to write about their experiences in a similar fashion on a blog of their own...I need my daily number of hits...(who'd visit if my whole page were filled with gobbledygook!)

Disclaimer: For those visiting for the first time...This piece is purely fiction and any resemblance to any person dead or dying is purely co-incidental.


  1. Good one bro!!
    Never knew you had that unique talent!!

  2. Lolz thnx bro :) talents shud b explored,nurtured, perfectd & exhibited one @ a time :D
