Sunday, April 11, 2010

Life as a med intern and a bachelor - EP2 - Fighting the Flab

The life of a med intern starts at around 8 am in the morning, when we enter the wards, rushing to sign our names in the department register and then attend to our wards we are put in charge of...Workload depends on which department you are posted in...
From actually doing medical oriented work to being the personal assistants of the Post grads whom you will learn to love or hate over a certain period of time...
Med oriented work keeps you confined to a nice cushioned chair...seeing people and having to listen to their chief complaints, followed by some tale of how their husband got a job in an MNC in Saudi Arabia and how a certain cousin of theirs is related to the founder of our prestigious institution...A certain few arrive at our hospital on the pretext of getting complete free run away when they feel better; belongings , cannula and all...
This particular period of time caused me to eat,drink and make merry...until I saw "two" of me in the mirror..
On to the next scene,my duty as a post grads' personal assistant, saw me shed all those extra pounds...Work consisted of all fun activities - running up and down some three flights of stairs around 4-5 times a day, going to the post grads rooms and play detective...ok,I meant find a certain pen drive that they have hidden so safely that even they couldn't find it...I'd even done a brief stint as a valet..getting stuff from the car...but nothing would beat what a friend of mine was asked to do...take a few wooden blocks to the saw mill and get them sawed in half, so that they may give the right amount of elevation to the foot-end of the patients beds!!!
Or the other time when they made a certain someone drive 15km to our college from home on a sunday just to get a bunch of files from the other ward!!!

Finally, at the day's end ,a nice warm shower and the bedbug ridden mattress becon to me longingly...I am soon serenaded to dreamland, the singing of the mosquitoes in the background...